CDPH Rethink Your Drink Resources
Sugar-sweetened Beverages: What we know and what we can do - Improving the oral health of Californians
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Downloadable and Printable Rethink Your Drink Materials
Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles: Choosing Healthy Drinks For Your Young Child
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Introducing a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intervention Guide: When Sugar is NOT so Sweet
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Rethink Your Drink
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Oral and Systemic Overall Health: A Guide for Oral Health Care Providers
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Sugary drinks can cause tooth decay in children
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Sugar Taxes
A Sugar-Sweetened-Beverage Tax Campaign: The Key Role of the Dental Community
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Changes in Soft Drinks Purchased by British Households Associated with the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Evaluation of Changes in Prices and Purchases Following Implementation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes Across the US
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Evaluation of the sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Oakland, United States, 2015-2019: A quasi-experimental and cost-effectiveness study
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Revenue Generated from the Oakland Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, July 2017–December 2019
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax and Perinatal Health: Quasi Experimental Study
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
SugarScience at UCSF
Champion Provider Fellowship: Sugar & Oral Health Messaging: Implications for PSE Change 5/4/21 (0:59:38)
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks
Lunch and Learn: When Sugar is Not so Sweet! (Recorded Webinar) 3/18/21 (0:36:14)
Topics: Nutrition/Drinks, Oral Health Injuries