Keeping your teeth healthy is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Below are materials about the importance of good oral health and preventive dental care for all ages.
Oral Health Resources by Age Group
Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is one of the most important things you can do for your and your baby’s health during your pregnancy.
Smile, California: Medi-Cal Covers Dental During Pregnancy Video
Infants (0-1)
Caring for your baby’s smile begins the moment they are born. Healthy gums make way for healthy teeth.
Toddlers (1-4)
Keeping baby teeth healthy is an important step in caring for your child’s permanent teeth because baby teeth hold space for the teeth growing under your child’s gums.
Kids (5-12)
The best way to keep your child’s gums and teeth healthy is to take him or her to regular dental visits every 6 months
Super Sealants Save the Day!
Los súper selladores salvan el día
Teens (13-17)
It is important to continue regular dental check-ups and home care throughout the teen years to ensure good oral health well into adulthood. Wisdom teeth usually come in during this time, completing the set of permanent teeth.
Adults (18-54)
As we get older, taking care of our health becomes more and more important. Good oral health is an important part of maintaining your overall health!
Truck Talk: Adults 40-60 from the American Dental Association (ADA)
Seniors (55+)
No matter your age, you can keep your gums and teeth healthy, strong and pain-free. As an older adult, you are prone to gum disease and other oral health problems, but by brushing twice a day, flossing daily and seeing your dentist regularly, you can lower your risk.
Toothbrushing & Flossing
Children's Dental Health Month
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. The theme of 2024 is “Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles!” This national campaign is a wonderful time to reach out to community partners, raise awareness of the importance of children’s oral health and bring a spotlight to your oral health educational efforts.
Check out FREE materials below and additional materials/tips available at: National Children's Dental Health Month l American Dental Association (
Smile, CA Rethink Your Drink Social Posts
Activities and Games
Oral Health Apps
Brushing Apps
Nutrition Apps
Sesame Street in Communities: Brush Those Teeth
Children's Oral Health E-Learning Platform SmileSquad
Daniel Tigers' Neighborhood: Daniel Gets his Teeth Cleaned
Printable Material