National Children's Dental Health Month


Welcome to COHTAC's National Children’s Dental Health Month Social Media Toolkit!

We are so glad that you are considering promoting this important event in your organization to bring awareness to children’s oral health. National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) is a month-long national health observance that brings together thousands of dedicated professionals, healthcare providers, and educators to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers, and many others. COHTAC, the Office of Oral Health, and some Local Oral Health Programs have created this webpage to assist Local Oral Health Programs and their partners to promote children's oral health during February. We have tipsresources, and ready-to-use social media graphics and messages below.

Please use #HealthyTeeth4CAKids and #NCDHM to tag all your posts!

Check out our Share & Learn webinar about planning for National Children's Dental Health Month. You can reach out to [email protected] for questions or requests.

ADA Posters:





Social Media Toolkits:

Many organizations offer social media toolkits with sample graphics and messaging to help promote children's oral health. Click on the links below for additional samples to the graphics we provide below.

♦ ADA toolkit ♦  AAP toolkit  ♦  ASTDD toolkit, social media sample messages, and NCDHM messaging  ♦  Head Start ECLKC toolkit  ♦  Smile, California toolkit (Co-Branding Request form)

Sample Graphics:

Please feel free to download and use these sample graphics to promote children’s dental health month in your organization.






















Thank you to Orange County for sharing this graphic!


Thank you to Orange County for sharing this graphic!





























Thank you to Nevada County for sharing this graphic!


Thank you to Nevada County for sharing this graphic!

Sample Messaging:

HRSA Healthy Mouth for Every Body Social Media Campaign (English only)

  • Baby’s first tooth? Begin brushing as soon as the first tooth comes in. Brush twice a day after their first and last feedings. Learn more about caring for your little one’s teeth. #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids
  • Starting good oral health habits early in a child’s life can prevent future problems like gum disease, cavities, and more. Visit for tips on keeping your child’s teeth and mouth healthy. #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids
  • Did you know that cleaning your baby’s gums, even before you can see the first tooth, is important to remove sugars that come from liquids and food? Check out A Healthy Mouth for Every Body for more tips and information. #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Smile, California messages (English and Spanish):

Your child’s first dental visit should take place after their first tooth appears, or by their first birthday, whichever happens first. Medi-Cal provides free and low-cost dental services for children and teens two times a year, and sometimes more. #SmileCalifornia #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

La primera visita al dentista de su hijo/s debe realizarse en cuanto le salga el primer diente o antes de su primer cumpleaños, lo que ocurra primero. Medi-Cal brinda servicios dentales gratuitos y de bajo costo para niños y adolescentes dos veces al año y, a veces, más de dos veces al año. #SmileCalifornia #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Love your teeth by using your Medi-Cal benefit for routine, preventive, and restorative care. Members under age 21 can have a dental check-up and cleaning every 6 months, and sometimes more. Members 21 and older can have a dental check-up and cleaning every 12 months. #SmileCalifornia #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Ama tus dientes utilizando tu beneficio de Medi-Cal para cuidado dental de rutina, preventivo y restaurativo. Benficiarios menores de 21 años pueden realizarse un chequeo y limpieza dental cada 6 meses y, a veces, más. Beneficiarios mayores de 21 años pueden realizarse un chequeo y limpieza dental cada 12 meses. #SmileCalifornia #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Samples from San Mateo County (English & Spanish):

Plan your child’s first dental visit as soon as their first tooth appears or by their first birthday. Children should visit the dentist every six months starting with their first tooth or first birthday, whichever comes first. #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Planifique la primera visita al dentista de su hijo tan pronto como le salga su primer diente o para su primer cumpleaños. Los niños deben visitar al dentista cada seis meses a partir del primer diente o  cumpleaños, lo que ocurra primero.  #NCDHM #HealthyTeeth4CAKids

Tips for effective messages:

Using social media and your website to engage your audience around NCDHM (more details can be found in the Children Now Social Media Guide):

  1. Find your personal reason for caring about kids’ dental health – showing why you care may resonate more than stats
  2. Promote urgency and specific actions – use calls to action
  3. Plan ahead with a content calendar – aim to post 2-3 times per week between 9-11am Monday through Wednesday
  4. Use your partners to amplify your posts – engage your partners in your campaign before and during the month, and tag/repost/uplift all relevant messages
  5. Align messaging prominently on your website homepage – sync your social posts with your website to make it easier to engage
  6. Promote an event during NCDHM

Steps to writing effective social media messages:

  1. Be concise
  2. Be specific (when targeting a subgroup)
  3. Be authentic
  4. Tell them something they don’t know
  5. Involve or engage them
  6. Use a dose of humor
  7. Don’t capitalize all words in a post


  • Twitter character limit: 280
  • Facebook character limit: 63,206
  • LinkedIn character limit: 3,000
  • Instagram character limit: 2,200