Urgency Referrals

On the completed KOHA screening form (Section 2), there are three “treatment urgency” levels:

          1 - No obvious problems found

          2 - Early dental care recommended

          3 - Urgent care needed

Urgency Level

Treatment Urgency Definitions

1 - No obvious problem found - The child has no obvious dental problems and should continue to have routine examinations by their dentist every six months.  

2 - Early dental care recommended - The child has a tooth or teeth that have decay and should be checked by their dentist. They may benefit from sealants. The child’s parent/guardian should contact the child’s dentist, who will determine whether treatment is needed. 

3 - Urgent care needed - The child has a tooth or teeth that appear to need immediate care, as there is pain, infection, or swelling. The child’s parent/guardian should contact the child’s dentist as soon as possible for a complete evaluation.

The KOHA process requires follow-up for students with the highest level of treatment urgency - urgent dental care needs. This information is recorded on Section 3 of the KOHA form:


  • For children receiving the screening at their dental office: the dental office should address the urgent care need, and inform the parent/caregiver of next steps, including scheduling a follow-up appointment. They may provide the needed treatment that same day. The dental office should complete these parts of Section 3 of the KOHA form. If the child didn’t receive needed treatment the same day as their screening, follow up with parents/caregivers to see if the child received needed treatment. Complete this part of Section 3 of the KOHA form. 
  • For children receiving the screening at their school: because the dental screeners complete a “screening results letter” (See English and Spanish) for parents/caregivers of children screened, they should complete the “notified parent” part of Section 3 on the KOHA form. Parents/caregivers will need to be contacted to determine if a follow-up appointment was made, and if the child received needed treatment. Then, these parts of Section 3 on the KOHA form need to be completed.