Kristin Hoeft, PhD, MPH

COHTAC Director
+1 415 514-3538

Dr. Hoeft has expertise in health education, dental health communication and qualitative research methods. She focuses on making optimal home hygiene and dental care experiences accessible to diverse and vulnerable populations.


A Mixed Methods Comparison of Oral Hygiene Behaviors by Gender Among Mexican-Origin Young Adults in California.


Melissa Yu, Guadalupe X. Ayala, Melody K. Schiaffino, Kristin S. Hoeft, Vanessa Malcarne, Tracy L. Finlayson

Using a Social Network Approach to Characterize Oral Health Behavior Social Support Among Mexican-Origin Young Adults.

Journal of health communication

Martinez LS, Devi A, Maupomé G, Schiaffino MK, Ayala GX, Malcarne VL, Hoeft KS, Finlayson TL

Adolescents' perceptions, experiences, and reactions to "fake" vaping devices.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Chaffee BW, Guerra Castillo C, Couch ET, Urata J, Halpern-Felsher B, Hoeft KS

Psychosocial Determinants of Poor Dental Attendance Among Young Mexican-Identifying Adults in California.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Devi A, Martinez LS, Kritz-Silverstein D, Calzo JP, Strong DR, Hoeft KS, Finlayson TL

Flavored Tobacco Product Use Among California Adolescents Before and Immediately After a Statewide Flavor Ban.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Chaffee BW, Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Guerra Castillo C, Farooq O, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Wilkinson ML, Gansky SA, Zhang X, Hoeft KS

Adolescents' Experiences and Perceptions of E-Cigarettes and Nicotine Addiction.

Substance use & misuse

Guerra Castillo C, Hoeft KS, Couch ET, Urata J, Halpern-Felsher B, Chaffee BW

Can silver diamine fluoride reduce invasive treatments with general anesthesia?

The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry

Star JM, Lipkin P, Hoeft KS, Cheng J, Zhan L

Adolescent Perspectives on Their E-Cigarette Initiation Experiences.

American journal of health promotion : AJHP

Guerra Castillo C, Hoeft KS, Couch ET, Halpern-Felsher B, Chaffee BW

Building School Nurses’ Capacity to Undertake School Dental Screening: A Pilot Project in Santa Rosa, California.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Gabriel Tse Feng Chong, Andrea Pickett, Elizabeth Munns, Kristin Hoeft

Community of Practice for Dental Providers Serving Children on Medi-Cal Dental: Needs and Progress in Alameda County.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Kristin S. Hoeft, Yilak Fantaye, Benjamin W. Chaffee, Suhaila Khan, Elizabeth Maker, Tracey Andrews, Ray Stewart, Ling Zhan, Bhavana Ravi, Jared Fine

"I think we can do without [tobacco]": support for policies to end the tobacco epidemic among California adolescents.

Tobacco control

Chaffee BW, Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Andersen-Rodgers E, Guerra C, Cheng NF, Ameli N, Stupplebeen D, Farooq O, Wilkinson M, Gansky S, Zhang X, Hoeft K

Flavored Tobacco and Nicotine Use Among California Adolescents: Preferences by Use Experience and Survey Format Effects.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Donaldson CD, Couch ET, Hoeft KS, Wilkinson ML, Guerra C, Gansky SA, Zhang X, Chaffee BW

Rollout of the Oral Health Literacy Toolkit in California: A Mixed-Methods Analysis.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Christine Y.W. Hao, Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, Susan L. Ivey, Kristin S. Hoeft

A Dental Care Coordination System To Increase Access for Medicaid Dental Program Beneficiaries: Experiences in Alameda County, California.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Benjamin W. Chaffee, Jared I. Fine, Yilak Fantaye, Kristin S. Hoeft, Rhodora Ursua, Ray Stewart, Suhaila Khan

Spanish-speaking Mexican-American parents' experiences while navigating the dental care system for their children.

Journal of public health dentistry

Lopez A, Hoeft KS, Guerra C, Barker JC, Chung LH, Burke NJ

Behavioural determinants of health and disease.

Lawrence W. Green, Kristin S. Hoeft, Robert A. Hiatt

California Oral Health Literacy Toolkit.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Linda Neuhauser, Anthony Eleftherion, Rebecca Freed, Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, Rosanna Jackson, Jessica Liu, Susan L. Ivey, Kristin Hoeft, Alice M. Horowitz, Jayanth Kumar

Adolescents' Substance Use and Physical Activity Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

JAMA pediatrics

Chaffee BW, Cheng J, Couch ET, Hoeft KS, Halpern-Felsher B

Barriers and Facilitators to Promoting Oral Health Literacy and Patient Communication among Dental Providers in California.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Tseng W, Pleasants E, Ivey SL, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Kumar J, Hoeft KS, Horowitz AM, Ramos-Gomez F, Sodhi M, Liu J, Neuhauser L

A qualitative assessment of barriers and facilitators to implementing recommended infant nutrition practices in Mumbai, India.

Journal of health, population, and nutrition

Athavale P, Hoeft K, Dalal RM, Bondre AP, Mukherjee P, Sokal-Gutierrez K

Disparities in the Quality of Pediatric Dental Care: New Research and Needed Changes.

Social Policy Report

Stephanie M. Reich, Kristin S. Hoeft, Guadalupe Díaz, Wendy Ochoa, Amy Gaona

Importance of Content and Format of Oral Health Instruction to Low-income Mexican Immigrant Parents: A Qualitative Study.

Pediatric dentistry

Chang CP, Barker JC, Hoeft KS, Guerra C, Chung LH, Burke NJ

Childhood Socioeconomic Position and Pubertal Onset in a Cohort of Multiethnic Girls: Implications for Breast Cancer.

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Hiatt RA, Stewart SL, Hoeft KS, Kushi LH, Windham GC, Biro FM, Pinney SM, Wolff MS, Teitelbaum SL, Braithwaite D

Maintaining Traditions: A Qualitative Study of Early Childhood Caries Risk and Protective Factors in an Indigenous Community.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Levin A, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Hargrave A, Funsch E, Hoeft KS

An ethnographic study of salt use and humoral concepts in a Latino farm worker community in California's Central Valley.

Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine

Barker JC, Guerra C, Gonzalez-Vargas MJ, Hoeft KS

Childhood Socioeconomic Position and Pubertal Onset: Implications for Breast Cancer.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

RA Hiatt, SL Stewart, KS Hoeft, LH Kushi, G Windham, FM Biro, SM Pinney, M Wolff, S Teitelbaum, D Braithwaite

Behavioural determinants of health and disease.

Lawrence W. Green, Robert A. Hiatt, Kristin S. Hoeft

Rural Latino caregivers' beliefs and behaviors around their children's salt consumption.


Hoeft KS, Guerra C, Gonzalez-Vargas MJ, Barker JC

Rural Latino farmworker fathers' understanding of children's oral health.

Pediatric dentistry

Swan MA, Barker JC, Hoeft KS

Urban Mexican-American mothers' beliefs about caries etiology in children.

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology

Hoeft KS, Barker JC, Masterson EE