Most cessation programs conducted in dental offices stress the pivotal role of the team care approach that should involve all members of the dental practice staff:
- Order only tobacco free magazines in reception area
- Place “Thank you for not smoking” sign in waiting room
- Send follow-up letters for patients who set a quit date
- Make available Quit Kits
- Make notations of tobacco use in chart
- Have available cessation information material
- Provide words of support and encouragement based on the Stage of Change
- Establish Stage of Change via health history
- Conduct risk assessment: oral cancer exam, oral health assessment
- Provide a TCI and review pharmacotherapy options with patients willing to quit
- Make note of tobacco use in chart
- Review TCI with dentist when dental exam is provided
- Provide the patient with Stage specific information or a Quit Kit
- Refer to cessation support services
- Provide risk assessment / Stage of Change via health history
- Provide / Review oral cancer exam / oral health assessment
- Provide / Review / Support TCI and review pharmacotherapy options with patients willing to quit
- Provide any needed prescriptions
- Refer to cessation support services