The School Based RDHAP: Clinical Process and Practice

December 4, 2023
6:45 PM - 9:00 PM PT

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will learn what forms are necessary and how they are distributed and collected.
  2. Participants will learn tips on school-based care process.
  3. Participants will learn a follow-up protocol for restorative care.

RDHAPs can practice in a variety of situations where there is no to low access to care due to factors such as disability, age, and socioeconomic status. Some RDHAPs practice in brick-and-mortar office or travel with mobile equipment to residential or nursing facilities, rural areas, places where dental offices are scarce, and in school settings. Travis Tramel PhD, MA, RDHAP has one of the most successful school-based programs. Travis will share his journey and impart wisdom that he has gained through his experiences working with the schools in his area.

Earn 2 CEUs!

CDHA Member - $35
Non-member - $70

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