Health Center School-based Dental Programs and COVID-19: A Listening Session

August 10, 2020
10:30-11:30am (PT)

Thank you for attending the Health Center School-Based Dental Programs and COVID-19: A Listening Session yesterday. We hope you were able to get some new resources. Click this link for the slides:

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A Listening Session: Health Center School-Based Dental Programs and COVID-19

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As school districts develop plans for the upcoming school year, the ability of health center school-based dental programs to deliver care is unknown. Health centers must be ready to respond to new local requirements and develop new policies and protocols to be able to resume their school-based dental programs. Some programs may not operate this school year. This listening session will provide a forum for health centers to listen and discuss strategies on resuming school-based dental services and share challenges and barriers. This session will be an open discussion that will also identify future training and technical assistance opportunities for NNOHA to help health centers restart their school-based dental programs during COVID-19. No CDE will be offered for this session.

1) Discuss new strategies to resume dental services in school-based settings.
2) Share policies and protocols for delivering care in school-based settings after COVID-19.