AACDP Webinar #5- Updates, Awards and Hot Topics: Hear From the Experts- May 27th

May 27, 2020
9:00-11:00am (PT)

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Webinar #5:

Updates, Awards and Hot Topics: Hear From the Experts

Moderator: Lynn Short, RDH, MPH, Lecturer, School of Community Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno 

Co-Moderator: Bahar Amanzadeh, DDS, MPH, Public Health and Innovation Consultant

Awards Ceremony:

  • Myron Allukian Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award             
  • John Rossetti Impact Award
  • Community Hero Award

Creating Culture of Safety in Dental Offices and ADA update: Steven P. Geiermann, DDS, American Dental Association, Senior Manager, Access, Community Oral Health Infrastructure and Capacity, Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention

MCHB Oral Health Update and Educational Resources: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC) Web Resources: Sarah Kolo, Health Communication Specialist, National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center; Pamella Vodicka, CAPT, United States Public Health Service, Division of Child, Adolescent and Family Health, Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Recent Challenges and the 75th Anniversary of Fluoridation

  • The AFS Perspective, Johnny Johnson Jr, DMD, MS, President, American Fluoridation Society (AFS)
  • The ADA Perspective, Tooka Zokaie, MPH, Manager, Fluoridation & Preventive Health Activities, American Dental Association