COHSII staff and consultants conducted interviews and summarized program findings in the report, Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care: Five Successful, Long-Standing, Statewide Programs Providing Care for the Maternal and Child Health Population. The report provides spotlights with information about each of the five programs focused on integrating oral health care into primary care serving the MCH population.
Spotlights include a program overview; a description of the program’s inception and early years; information about funding, notable strengths, notable evaluation activities, and evaluation methodology; select evaluation findings; and resources to learn more about evaluation. The report also describes key elements for program success and challenges common across all programs that support or limit program success. Key elements include collaborative partnerships and leadership support; sustained, diverse funding; commitment to technical assistance; and evaluation.
On August 13, Katy Battani presented an overview of the report for OHRC's Oral Health Learning Café. Each of the five programs included in the report will be presenting at Oral Health Learning Café webinars from September 2024 through January 2025. See the webinar lineup and register on the Cafe webpage.
Summary and Findings from Integration Learning Collaborative
This report, Integrating Oral Health Care and Primary Care Learning Collaborative: A State and Local Partnership Final Report, describes programmatic efforts to integrate oral health care and prenatal care with both a state and a local component. Project teams consisted of members from state oral health programs and local community health centers.
The project was implemented from 2022 through 2024. The report discusses project team selection, the state-level approach, the local-level approach, use of stipend funds and in-kind support, and integration of interprofessional oral health core clinical competencies into prenatal care at the participating clinic site. The report and its executive summary are available separately.
Resources to Make You Smile!
This monthly newsletter provides materials to promote good oral health in the classroom and at home. It also includes a recipe for a healthy snack that children can make in a Head Start classroom or at home with their families. Find the archive of issues on our website and subscribe to receive the newsletter each month.