MSDA National Profile of State Medicaid and CHIP Dental Programs
The Medicaid Medicare CHIP Services Dental Association (MSDA) is the national membership organization representing all State Medicaid and CHIP dental programs, their directors and staff, managed care organizations, health plans, providers, and other corporate vendors from across the country that aim to advance oral health equity for all Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP beneficiaries.
In 2013, MSDA established the National Profile of State Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Programs (National Profile). Since that time, much information and data about state Medicaid dental programs, policies and services has been collected for use by federal and state administrators, policy makers, professional organizations, dental schools, health plans, providers, and others for research, program evaluation, planning, policy development and administration.
The MSDA National Profile is made up of five sections: General State Information; Policy; Benefits; Administration; and Management. Each year MSDA updates and publishes one or more section(s) of the National Profile to maintain a valid, relevant, and reliable resource for Medicaid and CHIP stakeholders. MSDA undertakes a multi-step process to ensure that information and data collected are accurate. This process includes an annual assessment of survey questions for relevance, updates where needed, re-design, implementation, and state member training. Questions are updated based on environmental changes in federal and state Medicaid and CHIP legislation, regulation and policy. Once the survey tool is finalized, the MSDA National Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Program Survey Questionnaire is disseminated to state members.
A cross-sectional study design is used to document a snapshot of each state Medicaid and CHIP oral health program at a given point in time. MSDA employs this methodology because it is economical and like a census, information may be systematically obtained and recorded. It further allows for regular updates, comparisons within and across state programs, and helps to identify and assess program gaps, trends and best practices. The collection contains descriptive, quantitative, and qualitative information and data.
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