Rural Health Calls

March 10, 2020
9:00 to 10:00 am
Conference Line

In sending out the invite for the quarterly OOH/COHTAC rural health calls, to our surprise we found there is already a rural health call happening. We would like to continue the same format of the monthly Northern California Rural Health calls (ie. same day/time/format). If Southern California would like to create a separate call using the same day/time/format, please let us know and we can plan what this could look like.

On a quarterly basis, the OOH/COHTAC can participate on the calls and be available for questions.

Going forward:

  • Monthly Northern California Rural Health calls continue as usual
  • Quarterly the OOH/COHTAC participates in the monthly Northern California Rural Health calls on 3/10, 6/9, 9/8, 12/8

Apologies for the confusion and please reach out with questions.

Thank you,


[email protected]