PDM Session 3 of 4-Part Virtual Series, The Importance of Early Preventive Oral Health Care Increasing Access to and Utilization of Perinatal Oral Health Services

January 13, 2021
10 AM - 12 PM (PST)


This webinar series is intended for Project Directors of Local Oral Health Programs (LOHP) and LOHP staff. Please remember that at least one person from the LOHP staff must attend.

You will receive a confirmation email after you successfully register and the day of the webinar. Please be sure to retain the confirmation email as it will contain important log in information and also be sure to add to the sessions dates, times, and link to access the webinar to your calendar. You will use the same webinar link for all virtual sessions.

The webinar series will be recorded. Please note: upon accessing the live webinar, Zoom will ask each participant if they approve of the webinar being recorded.

After each virtual session, participants will be sent an evaluation via email.

Additional PDM series information is detailed in the initial invitation email below. Please also feel free to connect with the OOH at [email protected], if you have any questions and/or concerns.

We look forward to connecting with you!

-Office of Oral Health

California Department of Public Health

Office of Oral Health

Center for Healthy Communities

Office of Oral Health

P: (916) 440-7197 F: (916) 636-6678


Supporting Materials: