COHTAC Share & Learn: New School Dental Program Resources

January 18, 2024
10 - 11:30 AM (PT)

In this webinar, we had the California Partnership for Oral Health (CPOH) School Dental Programs Workgroup, led by Paula Lee at the Office of Oral Health (OOH), share what they have been working on since the Workgroup relaunched about a year ago and how their work aligns with other statewide workgroups and local programs. The Workgroup’s Resources Subcommittee presented a handful of new resources and tools that they have put together for local oral health programs (LOHPs) to use and adapt in their local school dental programs, and the Data Subcommittee shared more about their work and priorities for the upcoming year. Finally, members of the California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center (COHTAC) team and others from the OOH shared upcoming plans and updates to further support LOHPs with their school dental programs.

Learning objectives:

  1. Learn about the scope, vision, and work of the statewide School Dental Programs Workgroup.
  2. Learn how to find, navigate, and use new resources from the School Dental Programs Workgroup.
  3. Discuss how to plug into the work of the School Dental Programs Workgroup and integrate resources across LOHPs.
  4. Hear about what's coming down the pipeline to support LOHPs in their school dental programs.

Speaker bios


Recording (1:27:23)

Resources, tools, and other updates shared during the webinar:

  • Resources Subcommittee's new KOHA Starter Manual
  • SCOHR Data Input Form fillable PDF, with color coded KOHA form "maps": for schools/districts using the SCOHR "Data Input Form / Quick Data Input Form" option (for "non-participating schools/districts") to enter data already totaled and aggregated (20 data fields). It contains a color coded map of the new and old KOHA forms to the new SCOHR Data Input Form, and screen shots of where to find the Data Input Form in SCOHR.
  • KOHA SCOHR Data Input Form Excel Worksheetthis Excel worksheet helps schools and districts track and total the required data from each KOHA form to enter into SCOHR. It is for those schools/districts using the SCOHR Data Input/Quick Data Input form (for aggregate data). *Please note Tabs 2 and 3 of this Worksheet are locked, and can not be edited by LOHPs or school staff. If your LOHP would like to edit these tabs, please email COHTAC for the password to unlock those sheets.
    • Tab 1: KOHA Data Entry Worksheet (tabs on the Excel Worksheet are located at the very bottom of the Worksheet): as students return KOHA forms during the year, this tab helps track each student’s required data
    • Tab 2: SCOHR Data Input Form format: this tab automatically puts all the data from the first tab into the same format as the SCOHR Data Input Form (the 20 data fields). No data entry is required on this tab. These totals can then be copied and entered into SCOHR. 
    • Tab 3: Data Summary: this tab automatically pulls the data from the other tabs and puts it into a table and graphs to summarize the key KOHA data. No data entry is required on this tab.  
  • KOHA process flowcharts (editable)contains 4 editable sample flowcharts to explain the KOHA form completion and data reporting processes in visual form. Contains information on different slides targeted towards different partners: all partners; school partners; dental provider partners; and school partners, specifically to complete the Section 3 follow-up for students with urgent dental care needs.
  • In the registration questions for this webinar, we asked you about the school databases/software/student information systems that your schools used, and the programs cited more than once were: Aeries (18), Power School (6), Synergy (6), Infinite Campus (4), and ParentSquare (3).
  • COHTAC's new KOHA webpage
  • COHTAC's new group technical assistance for implementing schoold dental programs: School Open Hours (take the survey to indicate your interest and availability) 
  • COHTAC's School-Linked Dental Program Manual
  • Connect with COHTAC and other LOHPs: Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack (email COHTAC if you would like to join the LOHP Slack Workspace)