Barriers to Dental Access for Special Needs Patients

July 16, 2020
10:00am to 11:00am (PT)

Register here to join

Accessing dental care can be extremely difficult for individuals with disabilities. This webinar will educate the dental professional and address the barriers and challenges facing the patient with special needs.


  • Dr. Matt Holder, MD, MBA, FAADM, Global Medical Advisor & Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee, Special Olympics Inc.
  • Dr. Timothy Garvey, DMD, Clinical Assistant Professor & Dental Director, University of Florida Health College of Dentistry & Tacachale Dental Clinic
  • Barbie Vartanian, Executive Director, Project Accessible Oral Health

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply neurodevelopmental theory to their understanding of familiar and unfamiliar developmental disability diagnoses.
  • Define diagnostic overshadowing and understand the role that dentistry plays in reducing it in the IDD population.
  • Describe the common unusual traits of people who have autism.
  • Describe common aspects of a dental appointment that may necessitate alterations in providing dental care, and how these alterations may be implemented.
  • Alert the dental profession as to the barriers facing an individual with disabilities and the comorbidities that can (and most likely) will affect their treatment.